Color and movements are also sources of energy and are also the medium in which it is present, reflecting her emotions and
synthesizing her internal Energy.
Each color has its own Energy and power.
Written in Slovenian, below is in English
Pogled skozi Energijo.
Sem zdravilka duše in telesa. Že moja babica in tudi brat sta bila zdravilca. Izpopolnjevala pa sem se do diplome tudi pri Zdenku Domančiću. Zdraviti druge, mi je bilo namenjeno že od rojstva naprej. Rodila sem se prezgodaj s prenizko težo, zato je mami morala ostati z menoj v porodnišnici, dokler ne bi pridobila na teži. Imela je premalo mleka za moje potrebe, jaz pa sem se lačna jokala .. zato se je spomnila izjemne rešitve, da me lahko dojijo tudi druge mamice v sobi, ki so imele veliko mleka, ki ga njihovi otročki niso spili. In tako sem naslednje dni, dokler nisem dosegla prave teže, potovala iz rok v roke in pila, kar jim je ostalo. Jaz sem bila sita rita, druge mame pa zadovoljne. Očitno, sem jim že takrat pomagala, da so se izognile mastitisu na prsih. Zato sigurno vem, da imam več bratov in sester, a ne po krvni liniji, ampak po mleku, po mlečni liniji!

Ko sem se začela zavedati samega sebe, sem začela ločevati med dobrim in slabim. Dogajale so se mi nenavadne sanje in dogodki, ki so bili podkovani s strahom, ki sta mi ga moja starejša sorojenca vcepljala v glavo. In tako sem kmalu odkrila, kako se skriti vase, ločena od drugih in postati nevidna. Prekmalu sem spoznala osamljenost, a istočasno sem začela osebno rasti in se posvečati duhovni preobrazbi, predvsem na lastnih izkušnjah. Mama in oče sta me vzgajala po zakonih narave in tako je duhovnost postala moj način življenja, v kateri živim in delujem tudi danes. Zato zelo dobro razumem modrosti vesolja in duhovne zakone. Razumem, da ozdravitev pride iz srca in spremenjene zavesti. Ker delam z energijami in globoko čutim, potrebujem samoto za svojo regeneracijo. Dobro vem, da ko se pred Stvarnikom in pred samim seboj popolnoma
razkrijemo, ko so vidne vse naše misli in dejanja, .. in ko stojimo pred njim, goli in nedolžni, kot ob rojstvu in, ko .. začnemo res iskreno razmišljati o sebi, .. tedaj se šele začnemo spreminjati. In to boli, zelo boli, .. zato pa vemo, da je delo na sebi najtežje.
Ampak istočasno lahko občutimo tudi vseobsegajočo Ljubezen, hvaležnost, sočutnost, ponižanost in močno hrepenenje in tedaj se zavemo, da ni nihče na tem svetu popoln in da lahko in moramo pomagati drugim ljudem, po svojih najboljših močeh, brez da v zameno kaj zahtevamo, ker s tem pomagamo samim sebi, saj dobimo priložnost, da preoblikujemo svoje življenje v boljše in kvalitetnejše življenje. In to je moj OM, moja mantra, nekaj, kar je znotraj in zunaj časa. Tedaj tudi Ljubezen postane nova valuta. Resnica je, da nas družba in sistem, v katerem živimo, od rojstva naprej pa do smrti uči, da je treba v naših življenjih vse plačati z denarjem. Mislim, da naša družba nujno potrebuje novo usmeritev, ki bi temeljila na drugačnih vrednotah, kot so poštenost, zaupanje, pravičnost, iskrenost, drugačnost .. zato želim, da pri mojih terapijah, ki jih delam iz ljubezni, ostanem svobodna, brez sence denarja nad svojim delom. Zato tudi nimam cenika, ki bi določal mojo ceno, ampak to svobodo, kako in koliko me boš nagradil/a prepuščam tvoji lastni presoji, kot prostovoljni nagradi za moje delo. Na moje terapije ne gledam iz vidika posla, ampak iz vidika srca.
In če nimamo ljubezni v srcu, bo le to atrofiralo, se krčilo in na koncu počasi umrlo. Ampak nam je dano živeti!, biti radostni, kot otrok. Jaz vem le to, da ko se nehamo razvijati telesno, je skrajni čas da se začnemo razvijati duhovno. Le duhovno je tisto, kar bomo odnesli s seboj, ko umremo, materialno nikoli. Ne pozabimo, da Bog ali Kozmos, komunicira z nami in nas nagovarja, preko neba in narave, z znaki, ki se jih moramo šele naučiti videti.
Z notranjim poslušanjem te lahko vodim v tvojih težkih trenutkih, do novega samospoznanja.Lahko ti pomagam in osvobodim tvojo dušo in telo, da lahko ŽIVLJENJSKA ENERGIJA nemoteno steče skozi tebe. Ampak, tudi ti moraš delati na sebi in verjeti v energijsko terapijo, opustiti čustva, kot so strah, jeza, ljubosumnje, nevoščljivost, apatičnost itd. Jaz delujem po principu čiste vesti in popolne iskrenosti, najprej do sebe in do vseh drugih ljudi. Vem, da bo Stvarstvo poskrbelo zame in takrat tudi vem, da lahko z Ljubeznijo pomagam tebi in drugim pomoči potrebnim.
Bog, Stvarnik, Kreator ali Vesolje .. nam je dal/o svobodno voljo in Božansko iskro, da se lahko odločamo po svoji svobodni volji.
In Bog je Ljubezen, zato moramo vse, kar počnemo, delati z Ljubeznijo. Vedi, da se samo Zdaj odvija Življenje, da je samo Zdaj pravi trenutek, ki ustvarja vse naslednje trenutke, ki šele prihajajo ...

View through Energy.
I’m a healer of the soul and body. Both my grandmother and brother were healers also. I trained with Zdenko Domančić until I got my diploma. Healing others was my destiny from birth. I was born prematurely with a low weight, so my mother had to stay with me in the hospital until I gained weight. She didn’t have enough milk for my needs, and I cried out of hunger. So she came up with an exceptional solution, other mothers in the room who had a lot of milk that their
babies didn’t drink could breastfeed me. So, for the next few days until I reached the right weight,
I traveled from hand to hand and drank what was left for them. I was a satisfied baby, and the other mothers were also content. Apparently, I helped them avoid mastitis in their breasts even at that young age. So I’m sure I have more brothers and sisters, maybe not by bloodline, but by milk, or you could say by the milk line!
When I started to become aware of myself, I began to distinguish between good and bad. I had very unusual dreams and events, which were underpinned by fear, which my older siblings
instilled in me. So I soon discovered how to hide within myself, separate myself from others, and become invisible.
I learned about loneliness way too soon, but at the same time,
I also began to grow personally and devote myself to spiritual transformation, mainly based on my own experiences. My mother and father raised me according to the laws of nature, so
spirituality became my way of life, in which I still live and work today. That’s why I understand the wisdom of the universe and spiritual laws very well. I understand that healing comes from the heart and changes consciousness. Because I work with energies and feel deeply, I also need solitude for my regeneration. I know well that when we fully reveal ourselves to the Creator and to ourselves, when all our thoughts and actions are visible, and when we stand before him, naked and innocent, like at birth, and when we start to think sincerely about ourselves, only then do we start to change. And it hurts. It hurts a lot, so we know that working on oneself is the hardest thing to do.
But at the same time, we can also feel all-encompassing Love, gratitude, compassion, humility, and strong longing, and then we realize that no one in this world is perfect and that we can and must help other people, to the best of our ability, without demanding anything in return, because by doing so we help ourselves, as we get the opportunity to reshape our lives into a better and more quality life. This is my OM, my mantra, something that transcends time. Then Love can also become the new currency. The unfortunate truth is that society and the entire system in which we live, teaches us from birth until death that everything in our lives must be paid for with money.
I think our society urgently needs a new direction, based on a different set values, such as
honesty, trust, justice, sincerity, difference. That’s why I want to remain free, without the
shadow of money over my work and in my therapies, which I do out of love. That’s why I don’t have a price list for my therapies that would determine my price, but I leave that freedom, how much you would reward me to your own judgment, as a voluntary reward for my work. I don’t look at my therapies from a business based perspective, but from a heart based perspective.
If we don’t have love in our heart, it will atrophy, shrink, and eventually slowly die. But we are
given to live! To be joyful, like a child. All I know is that when we stop developing physically, it’s high time we start developing spiritually. Only the spiritual is what we will take with us when we die, never and not the material. Don’t forget that the God or the Cosmos communicates with us and addresses us, through the sky and nature, with signs that we still have to learn to recognize.
With inner listening, I can guide you in your difficult moments, to a new self-realization. I can help and free your soul and body so that the LIFE ENERGY can flow through you unhindered. But you also have to work on yourself and believe in energy therapy, give up emotions like fear, anger, jealousy, envy, apathy, etc. I operate on the principle of a clear conscience and complete honesty, first to myself and to all other people. I know that the Universe will take care of me and then I also know that I can help you and others in need with Love.
God, the Creator, or the Universe has given us free will and the Divine spark, so we can decide
according to our free will. God is Love, so we must do everything that we do with Love. Know that only Now is Life that is happening, that only Now is the right moment, which creates all the next moments that are yet to come…